Dash It! magazine - sitemap
Dash It!
We are Dash It of AntiSocial Activities. You will be liberated. Resistance is futile.
Okay, so I haven't made an indepth study into web sites. I mean, I've been reading them for a couple of years now, and I've been making my own for almost as long, but I'm not sure exactly what a "sitemap" is supposed to be. I'm guessing, however, that it's basically supposed to be a page to help you navigate around the sites, with links to the main features, so that you don't have to clutter up the front page with all of that stuff. So, that's what this page is.
Issue #4 - the current Dash It. Last updated March 1st, 1999

Archives - Dash It is archival. That means that even though issue #4 is up, and current, the previous issues are still here, and always will be. This page has a brief description of each, and a link to the index page for each of them.

Contact info - The info you need to submit your writing to us, and contact us for any other reason.

Links - You're obviously not going to visit only this site, so here's a guide to some of the better sites out there.