Merry Goddamned Christmas

Merry Goddamned Christmas

From EnGuard Records, one of their signature four-bandseven-inchers: Merry Goddamned Christmas. "Stocking Stuffer" by Glengary, Ontario's The Stand GT is a garage-punk reflection on what Christmas was when we were kids, and how it isn't always great now that we're older."Ornament" by Edmonton, Alberta's The Naked and the Dead also reflects childhood memories, but is mostly a commentary on how the "Christmas Spirit" seems to go away too soon ("I wish Christmas could come every day of the year"). "All I Want for Christmas is a Big Wet Kiss" is the kind of hardcore punk you'd expect from Montreal, Quebec's Ripcordz, EnGuard's flagship band. Lyrically, the title says it all. And finally, Charlottetown's own Down contributed "Sync", an upbeat (but not loud) tuneabout a slightly bitter break-up that unfortunately occurred around Christmas time. Altogether, a super addition to any 7" collection (it was one of my first when I bought it at Back Alley Discs a few years ago).

Contact EnGuard at 1671 St-Hubert, Montreal, Quebec, H2L 3Z1, or phone (514) 523-2179

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