
this review first published for the Buzz Jan 10, 1998

Ever since the Strawberry record launch last May 31, I've been waiting for a studio project from one of the bands that played that night: Dyno-Mites, the band with the coolest stickers to grace guitar cases. And this self-titled demo doesn't dissappoint. Now, I know that there are people who have lost faith in indie oringinality,and some will hear "Make It Up" and say "is this Eric's Trip?", or cry "surf!" after hearing "Arpeggio-a-gogo". Well, these are valid comparisons, but there's much more to be found on this fun debut, as the 'Mites go beyond typical indie fare and please the eyes (and feet) just as much on tape as they do live.

this review first published for Dash It! Oct 16, 1998
...According to Reabo Feathers

Dyno-Mites are actually kind of new by some standards, but they are one of PEI’s longest lasting indy bands. Lovingly packaged in a zip-loc® bag with multi-purpose stickers, this is a fun little 6 track demo (well, 4 if you don’t count the ‘intro’ and ‘outro’). Like most good indy bands, Dyno-Mites are much better live than on tape, but this recording is a very good example of their talent. I heard that they were a little unsatisfied with the mix, but I actually think it’s one of the best mixed I’ve heard on a demo since hHead’s "Fireman". My main complaint is that it’s so short, and the intro/outro thing didn’t really do much for me, except to fill in some space.


Dyno-Mites, 249 Queen St, Charlottetown, PEI, C1A 4B9

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