Have a Good Day, Don't Bang Your Head!

Okay, here's a kinda different El Stunno thing for the internet zine. You know what I mean.
Like a .com thing, yeah.
I’m not really stupid
I just kinda do the wrong things sometimes at the wrong times. You know, like when you hear a
song you really, really like, and you get right into it (but you gotta remember, you're right into
this song, like Big Time), and you start singing along out loud (sometimes dancing, too), and you
just happen to be at work. God, that sucks so much. That happens to everyone, or something
like that.
El Stunno
El Stuno
umm, I really still don’t know the difference.
See, that’s why I’m kinda ‘duh’, but I swear, it’s not my fault. I just
kinda don’t know some things. So Big Deal, who knows everything?
I’m just kinda one of those ones who’s worse off.
I lucked out, pretty much, but I’m really getting tired of bashing
myself. Like ‘duh!’
I really kinda suck at the ‘subject of the article’ thing, so i just write
about what goes on in this shittown city I live in. I can’t believe
Summerside is a ‘city’. Like, ‘okay’
Anyway, back to the subject of the article thing. It’s just gonna be
some really funny things that happen in the life of El Stuno... Stunno...
Stunonon...... whatever
Umh... "hi" I guess. El Stunno.. or is it Stuno? oh, my head hurts. this is gonna be
harder than I thought at first. Now , what to write about. Ummm... (insert like 20
minutes of ‘umm, okay’) I don’t really know a lot of the subjects allowed in this, so I’ll
talk - well, write I guess - about stuff. Like, stuff noone else talks about to find out
about it. You know, like things like ‘dying your hair’ You know, from dark blonde to light
brown to like black. or from a dark blonde to a blondish brown. Drastic change is a
good thing. It’s kinda a boost. But it really kills your hair and every now and then it
may tend to get really dry, eh?
um... well i guess that’s it for now, bye!