Well, the most obvious question on your mind, after reading the name of this page, is ‘what the hell?’ Y’see, there’s this guy I know, who is known as ‘El Stunno’ for this article this guy is... well, to say the least, interesting. to be quite frank, he’s pretty weird. I’ve known him for over a year now, and he has provided me with a fair bit of entertainment. he doesn’t try, he just happens to say stupid things at times, and i started to realize after awhile that these things were so accidentally amusing that they needed to be archived. so, from time to time, this page will consist of a list of anecdotes, little stories of things that happen when he’s around. and sometimes i will ask him to write down some spontaneous babblings. if there’s enough, this page will consist of things that he has said which merit repeating. if none of the above are available, i will simply try to collect some similar babblings from various sources. for now, here are a few bits of conversations we have had:
him: I’m tired me: well, go take a nap him: God, no, I might fall asleep! (talking about music) me: nah, I don’t like that R&B stuff him:oh, so I guess you don’t like Rhythm and Blues, either I think there’s a piece of apple stuck in my throat (insert hacking sound) oh, there it is!
i’d say that’s more than enough. hopefully, i’ll get him to write something on purpose for the next issue. also, i’ll explain the story behind the name of this page. until then,