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Hideous Progeny - The Scarecrow Told Me Stories
Once upon a plane, there was a boy + a girl who shared a common origin. On a misty, starless night in an old abandoned hospital, they twisted their dark stories together with songs + pictures + graffiti, + a mutating monster was conceived. They called it "Hideous Progeny", the name that Mary Shelly once gave the manuscript of Frankenstein. No sooner had they began to create it than it began to create itself. Its warped and writhing tentacles have now stretched out beyond their control. Originally meant to be the concept for a film script, The Scarecrow Told Me Stories now encompasses an entire range of art. This is only the beginning.(Lifted and paraphrased from the liner notes, because i couldn’t have said it better myself.)
this 12-song demo comes with a neat little booklet by Randy, called "The Fort Knox Files", which is a little hard to read in spots, but very creative and noteworthy.
contact: Randy McKenna, c/o Mary McKenna, RR#3, Bonshaw, PEI, C0A 1C0
dta - Artificial Sanity
this 11-song kick-in-the-face punk demo manages to package intelligence and tongue-in-cheek irony together like few punk bands can.
What especially impressed me about this demo was that the energy is almost as intense as it was when I saw them live. This seems to be very
rare on demos nowadays, because the vocals often end up being rather dry and indifferent, due to the lack of an audience during the
recording process (something i know from experience). the band is as tight as Tipper Gore’s ass and you can tell they love what they do.
The only thing that could make this demo better would be perhaps a free dta skateboard sticker. (maybe next time guys? hint hint). also,
there’s a little case for the X-flies here... the first song just happens to be called (insert spooky music...) "hideous progeny." Incredible
coincidence, because the 2 bands didn’t hear of each other until last January. no contact address was given, but you can get them through
e-mail at arsenafe@umoncton.ca
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