demolisten links page

demolisten links

the links page is perpetually under construction, and needs more links. please email me if you know of a site you think should be included here.

Band pages

Space Opera - coming soon
Someone Else's Problem

Small labels

702 Records

Mod music

ModPlug - My favorite mod player, best one for starting out, in my opinion
Alpha64 Mod Archiving - Excellent, well-organized archive and information source. Reviews and "mod of the month" make it easy to get some good music instead of having to download a lot of stuff, only to find that half of it is crap.
XM Heaven - The music of Anders Akerheden, with help from the lovely Lisa Lindstrom. Anders is my favorite mod artist of them all, and Lisa's vocals are fantastic.
modmecca - sometimes, instead of making up their own music, artist want to make mod versions of existing tunes. modmecca collects some of the best mod covers.
The Mod Archive - not as good as Alpha64, but a pretty good archive.
Yahoo’s MOD directory



these links aren't directly associated with what demolisten is all about, but they are included for obvious reasons.

Dash It! - anti-social web zine. run by Kevin Clow, same guy who does this site.
Yahoo! - in my opinion, the best search engine.
Unamerican Activities - trust me, you need to visit this site.